Help to the poor people
Our Mission
To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing disable people from becoming socially excluded.

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Become a Volunteer
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Fund Raising
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Charity to Poor People Life
We are working To provide relief for disable people in Sri Lanka by the provision of financial assistance and advice which directly relief the needs of the beneficiaries and the development services which either directly or indirectly facilitates disable people’s ability to live independently. To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing disable people from becoming socially excluded..
Helped fund XXXX projects in Srilanka,
benefiting over xxx people

Invite Speakers to speak for Free
Recent Causes

We encourage girls education
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$2000 Donated
$2300 to go

Poor people to get their home
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$2000 Donated
$2300 to go

Clean Water For All
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$2000 Donated
$2300 to go
Can you help?
Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maeca enas vel elit tellu donec vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna.Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maeca enas vel elit tellu donec vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna.
Total Money Donated
7,375 Pounds